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The University of Trinidad and Tobago
World Oil Latest News
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Heavy Oil
The Western Hemisphere possesses 69 percent of the world's technically recoverable heavy oil and 82 percent of the technically recoverable natural bitumen. In contrast, the Eastern Hemisphere possesses about 85 percent of the world's light oil reserves. Heavy oil and natural bitumen are present worldwide. The largest extra-heavy oil accumulation is the Venezuelan Orinoco heavy-oil belt containing 90 percent of the world's extra-heavy oil when measured on an in-place basis. Eighty-one percent of the world's known recoverable bitumen is located in the Alberta, Canada accumulation. Together the two deposits contain about 3,600 billion barrels of oil in place.
Plasma Gasifying waste technology
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Today in Energy
- First liquefied natural gas cargo produced at Corpus Christi Stage 3 export facility
- U.S. butane exports reached a new record in 2024
- U.S. natural gas-directed rigs decreased for second consecutive year in 2024
- Refinery closures and rising consumption will reduce U.S. petroleum inventories in 2026
- Pipeline companies deliver most of the U.S. electric power sector's natural gas
Oil and Gas IQ | Upstream & Downstream Oil and Gas Industry News & Information
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A black or brown rock that can be ignited or burned. When coal burns it produces energy as heat. This heat is mainly used to produce electricity. An increase in the use of coal could lead to a reduction in the need for non-renewable resources ; oil and gas. Coal has developed from the remains of plants that died 400million to 1million years ago. It is referred to as fossil fuel. Coal forming plants probably grew in swamps. No reliable estimates exist for the total amount of coal that lies beneath the earth's surface.
Oil and Gas Trinidad GDP
Oil and gas operations account for at least 40% of Trindad and Tobago's GDP.
Organic material deposited by the Orinoco Delta movement millions of years ago feeds the demand of the public.
Organic material deposited by the Orinoco Delta movement millions of years ago feeds the demand of the public.

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Global Risk Insights
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Amazon Watch
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